40 and 9mm with forward slide serrations and no de-cocker as this is the design I prefer and BOTH of these fine weapons are better in appendix carry than any striker-fired pistol on the market in my opinion.

Runs like a champ! My HK is a v1 light LEM trigger in. I swapped out my stock fat grips for an E2 mod and put a solid steel guiderod in it instead of the stock hollow one. Also I’ve noticed while running both hard and heavy in the rain/snow that Sigs can get a bit slippery when wet. Neither has ever let me down however, the Sig is a bitch to run in left hand only tactical drills! The HK is fully ambidextrous which makes it much easier to use with the left hand. I have several versions of each and love them both for different reasons. You get more pistol for the money with the P229.It really depends on what you’re using them for. If it must be a choice between the AXG or the P229 Legion, I'd go with the legion. Or if you like a heavier pistol, a TXG grip module. Likewise on the AXG I'm not sure what aluminum over polymer offers, but for the sake of a grip module, personally I'd get a basic P320 and add a Wilson grip and be done with it. I just wouldn't pay what they want, for a Legion, because it's not worth it to me. Personally, I probably wouldn't buy a legion at retail I'd do what I've done in the past, and bought used, but gently so, in excellent shape, for considerably less. The P229 is an excellent pistol, either way you look at it. The triggers on some seem smoother than others. The PVD finish on the legion isn't very durable in my opinion. I have several P229's in various flavors, including the Legion. The P229 legion is a P229.I didn't find it to be worth the retail price. The only P320 that I've found delivers more at retail than you can assemble the parts, is the P320 legion. Different dress on the barbie, just a grip module and a little cosmetic change.

I have a stack of P320's my opinion is that for the most part, a P320 is a P320 is a P320, meaning they're about the same.